
A3-Lent 2020 (1).jpg

"Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:2 (ESV)

Do you remember that feeling of joy when you were young and you would experience something as simple as jumping into a puddle of water and playing around in the rain?

We all grew up eventually and forgot about the simplicity of just being able to enjoy things like this. As they say, real-life gets in the way. Bills to pay, mouths to feed, encountering evil and godlessness, falling into depression, experiencing the monotony of everyday life, doubting God's existence, embracing sin, reading all the horrible things that people do to each other, being judged for your mental illness, being crucified for your mistakes, even just the act of living our daily lives - at one time or another, we've experienced one or more of these things that have caused us to lose our joy and hope and sometimes, has caused us to question our reason for living and being.

While we all have to live with these things and deal with these issues probably for the rest of our lives, there is Good News. We have a Living Grace on whom we can pin our hopes on.

He has come to earth to experience our pain.
He has died and paid for our sins
He has conquered death to bring us the glory of His resurrection.

And so now, we can rejoice in hope, despite our circumstances, despite the world we live in, despite ourselves.

We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

#RejoiceInHope #Lent2020