Day 12 Christmas Reading: December Depression


Be forewarned: for most people, depression and December go together. Ask any psychologist and he will tell you that the celebrations focusing around the Christmas season are as difficult for many to enjoy as they are joyful for others.

A man who was no stranger to depression once wrote of his heart’s cry and pain. His name was David and he spoke of depression as a pit that had trapped him. Here’s how he put it: “Come quickly, Lord, and answer me, for my depression deepens. Don’t turn away from me, or I will die” (Psalm 143:7 NLT).

Here’s the question: Does the same solution that David cried for work today? Is there a spiritual solution to depression, one which comes through a God-connection that can take you beyond the loneliness and estrangement of broken relationships and broken lives?

The only way you will ever find an answer to that question is to do what David did - throw yourself upon the mercy of God and ask Him to meet you at the point of your need. Many people have done what David did and you can do it too. Beneath your depression rests His gentle hand that lifts you from the muck and mire and draws you toward His face.

David also wrote, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3). And the good news is that God who did this for David is still in the business of healing broken hearts today. December may be the best or the worst month of your year. It depends on whether it makes you better or bitter, whether it depresses you or you defeat its darkness. Choose wisely, for your choices lead to your future.


This is an excerpt from Finding Refuge and Strength by Harold Sala, now available at OMF Lit and Passages Bookshops, PCBS, and our online store, for only P275.