Day 18 of 31 Days of Hope: In This World

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This December, OMF Literature would like to share with you 31 excerpts from 31 devotionals. In an age where people are desperate to cling to something or someone, we offer a message of encouragement, inspiration, and love from the One who is the eternal source of Hope.

One of the recurring themes throughout Christian history is a sense of detachment from the world— what the medievals called contemptus mundi, a rejection of temporal things paired with a focus on eternal glory. For obvious reasons, this attitude has been much easier to embrace in times of social upheaval, war, plague, and other calamities. Death and destruction tend to force the issue within the human heart. But Scripture advocates that we have some sense of this attitude all the time. Regardless of how well life is going, temporal things will come to an end, but the Kingdom of God will last. We have to choose where we will invest our lives, and given those options, the choice should be fairly obvious.

This is what John meant when he told us not to love the world. We are called to love people, to value God’s creation, to enjoy his good gifts, and to experience abundant life in the here and now. Yes, we have our hearts turned toward the there and then— the glory of eternity— but we also have gifts and callings that are needed right now. We are not reminded of the fading nature of this world so that we reject it outright; we are reminded of it so that we keep our priorities straight. We still have a lot to do in this life.

Make sure to balance your perspective. Let your heart and mind envision heaven without developing an escapist attitude. Do not neglect the calling, gifts, and responsibilities God has given you to be salt and light in the systems and institutions of this world. You have an assignment to flavor the ways of the world with the values and power of the Kingdom of God— to strengthen governments, schools, businesses, arts and communications, families, and more with the Spirit God has put within you. Keep your eyes on heaven but your hands and feet on earth. You have the tremendous privilege of bearing eternal fruit in a world that is passing away.

Holy Spirit, you were given to us for life in this world. May I never lose sight of that, even as my heart longs for heaven. Give me opportunities to season this planet with your nature. Give me lasting fruit. Amen.

This is an excerpt from One Year Salt and Light by Chris Tiegreen. The devotional is available at OMF Lit Bookshops, our online store, PCBS and other bookshops nationwide for only P365.

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