I Learned Quiet Courage from my Mama

When others saw my deficiencies, she saw potential. When others regarded my failures as defeat, she saw stepping stones. When others questioned the delays in my life, she saw God’s preparation. When others thought of me as “intense”, she saw passion. When others laughed at my wishful thoughts, she saw God-planted dreams. My mother looked into me and saw something worth believing in, long before I realized my calling and divine destiny. She never forced me to become who I wasn’t created to be. Instead, she recognized God’s calling in my life. My mother taught me not to measure success from the world’s standard but to build my life according to God’s blueprint. To this day, she closely listens to the Holy Spirit as she guides me and affirms His plans for me. I am what I am today because of my Mama. Today, I don’t regret following her constant advice: to follow Christ in everything I do.


My mother taught me to trust amidst fear. I've seen how she gets worried about many things, yet she chooses to cling to Jesus every single time. No matter how much anxious she is, once she’s heard from the Lord, she will courageously push through her fears to follow His marching orders. Hers is not a courage that roars, but a quiet one. People say I got my "lakas ng loob" from Dad, but little do they know that deep within my core is the 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄 I got from my Mama. Like her, I get scared too. But through her example, I have learned to feel the fear, hold on tight to Jesus, and take on those leaps of faith. Because of the quiet courage that she has instilled in me, I could plunge into the unknown and enjoy all the adventures God has set up for me.


Thank you for your quiet courage, Mama!


Shaina Gail Cua is the author of Chosen: No Matter Where You've Been or What You've Done. This book is available at OMF Lit Bookshops, shop.omflit.com, Shopee, and Lazada for P375.

Shaina Cua graduated with a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology with emphasis in Marriage & Family Therapy from Azusa Pacific University, California, USA. Her training in psychology and Biblical doctrines integrates two fields she is passionate about as she teaches psych spiritual principles. She is currently pursuing her PhD studies in Clinical Christian Counseling at the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines – Asia Graduate School of Theology. She is a mental health therapist, a resource speaker, and an educator. As a speaker and trainer, she conducts seminars here and abroad on mental health, conflict management, and other relational/familial issues. She also facilitates workshops and team-building events in schools, churches, and corporate companies.

Shaina also serves as one of the leaders in her church where she is a core member of the Leadership Training and Development team. Recently, she pioneered a Women’s Bible study group to help women grow in their knowledge and experience of God. In her free time, she de-stresses by staying at home and watching her favorite rescue and crime TV series. She is an introvert at heart. Through the years, she has learned to challenge herself to do things she thinks she can never do. She loves going on adventures and befriending the unknown. She enjoys hanging out with her closest friends, traveling, hiking, and venturing into the performing arts. One day, she dreams of having a family of her own and passing on to her children the godly legacy that her parents have started.