The God Who Refreshes


We long for seasons of refreshing. Life has a way of taking us into dry deserts, dark forests, and dangerous mountain paths. Those parts of the journey sometimes give us a sense of adventure, but when they drag on, we need relief. The good news of the Kingdom is that God promises it. The picture of God’s realm in Psalm 72 includes a gentle rain that refreshes us and leads to a harvest.

Sometimes those dry deserts and dangerous places are our own fault. We wander into them either by passive negligence of God’s purposes or active rebellion against them. Our own guilt tells us we have to put up with the consequences; we’ve made our bed, so now we have to lie in it. But while there are consequences to sin, we belong to a God who is truly merciful. The seasons of refreshing aren’t only for those who have innocently endured a hard time; they are for everyone who has endured a hard time. He doesn’t leave us in the desert, even if we walked away from Him to get there. He listens to our cries for relief.

God’s Kingdom is in some sense a restoration of Eden, or at least of Eden’s satisfying, fulfilling blessings. One day we will fully experience these blessings, but even now we get to taste many of them. Weary souls can have their strength renewed; we can “mount up with wings like eagles” (Isaiah 40:31, esv). We can know that the hard seasons of life are temporary.


In your longings for the Kingdom, don’t be afraid to ask God for seasons of refreshing—for the dews and gentle rains of His love to fall on you and bring new growth. Not all of life is a problem to endure; much of it is a blessing to enjoy. If the blessings ever begin to seem few and far between, ask Him for relief. Open your heart to receive His touch and His promise. Let His rains refresh you.


This is an excerpt from The Garden of God's Grace by Darlene Sala, Bonnie Sala, and Luisa Collopy, available at OMF Lit Bookshops,, Shopee, and Lazada for P275.

Imagine Jesus meeting you in this beautiful garden and welcoming you to sit at His feet and tell Him everything – all the thoughts, worries, fears, doubts, and frustrations swirling in your head.

In this devotional, Darlene Sala, Bonnie Sala, and Luisa Collopy share 52 life lessons on how to deal with loneliness, loss, finances, death, and other challenges. Each devotion invites you to reflect, take a positive course of action, and have a meaningful conversation with God. Take some time off from your busy schedule to visit the garden of God’s grace, where Jesus awaits to give you refreshment and encouragement.