Are We Talking About Christmas?

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A slew of articles about Christmas has been written, and are still being written. I had not intended to write one more. But I am bothered by comments from the man-on-the-street and even high-profile media people. Although said with probably no rancor, they are nevertheless disturbing—they could become “truths.”

“Christmas is for children.”
“I don’t feel the Christmas spirit.”
“No bonus this year, it’s going to be a sad Christmas.”
“My son can’t come home, our Christmas won’t be complete.”
“Christmas is so expensive.”

Are we talking about Christmas? The essence of our faith lies in the most recognized Bible verse—John 3:16. This began and was made true, on that first Christmas long ago. This is the truth; this is Christmas.

Christmas is not only for children—it is also for you, for me, the aged and the aging. The Christmas spirit isn’t felt, it is lived by God’s children.

Bonus and 13th month pay do not make Christmas richer. With or without them, Christmas is.

Together with or apart from the members of our family, we can celebrate Christmas. Nothing or no one makes it incomplete.

The first Christmas was not expensive, just a joyous occasion for mankind. It happened in a manger, with shepherds as the first visitors—no blinking lights, no sumptuous noche buena, no shopping sprees, greeting cards, or Santa Claus.

May we always see Christmas clearly for what it is: the gift of a begotten Son born of God’s great love for you and me.”

Lord, thank You for coming to earth on Christmas.
May we all remember this truth and not be distracted
by the fringes this season brings.”

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This is an entry from Grace Found Me by Grace D. Chong. This devotional is available at OMF Lit Bookshops, our online store, shop.omflit.comShopee, and Lazada for P325. (P260 until December 20)


About the book:

This year, learn to bring the light & hope of Christ into your home, your community & your world.

Scripture calls us to be the salt of the earth and lights in the world―preserving, flavoring, brightening, and warming the lives of those around us. But too often, it seems the world is getting more and more closed off to the hope and promise of faith. How do we bring the light of Christ to the world around us, showing His love to the people who need it the most?