The God Who Acts On Our Behalf

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Some people say, "All roads lead to God, so it doesn't matter which religion you follow as long as you're seeking God." But a wise prophet in Old Testament times strongly disagreed. He declared that the God of the Bible is different from all other gods. Isaiah said:

"For since the beginning of the world
Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,
Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
Who acts for the one who waits for Him." Isaiah 64:4 NKJV 

Isaiah asserted that other gods don't do anything to help their followers. They don't answer their prayers. On the contrary, these gods demand much from their followers, requiring sacrificial offerings, good works in order to achieve higher ranking, and sometimes even their very lives. But the one true God as revealed in the Bible cares about those who put their trust in Him and acts on their behalf. 

Our God has power over everything in the universe, over the gods people worship - and over your problems as well. I like the perspective of the person who said, "Don't tell God how big your troubles are - tell your troubles how big your God is."

Yes, if your God is the God of the Bible, you can count on Him to help. Just be patient a little longer. Keep waiting on God for His answer to your dilemma. Make these words your guide:  “But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me." (Micah 7:7). The God of the universe, the God of the Bible, will answer your prayers if you expectantly and patiently wait for Him.

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This is an entry from Refreshing Words for Busy Women by Darlene Sala. This devotional is available at OMF Lit Bookshops and our online store, for P275.


About the book:

Escaping the platitudes and avoiding the “just trust” admonitions, bestselling author and popular speaker Darlene Sala speaks to on-the-go women, offering real-life advice and solutions for issues they face constantly, including:

  • feeling overwhelmed by schedules and responsibilities (Peter walked on water…until he took his focus off Jesus)

  • handling guilt over missing morning devotions (employ “continuous” strategies: praying while preparing meals, talking with God on the way to meetings, praising Jesus while watching the kids).

  • dealing with uncomfortable and awkward situations (Jesus reached out to the poor, the down-trodden, the ill, and the outcasts with love and compassion)

Sit down with Darlene, enjoy a cup of refreshing hope, and relax in the companionship of someone who knows what real life is…and who will help you discover more about the only way to true peace and joy daily—Jesus Christ.