Blessing the Blessing: a ministry program by OMF Literature
As of today, the PCEC records more than 55,000 churches nationwide. It is a sad reality that most of the pastors of these churches do not have adequate access to biblical resources and ministry training. OMF Literature finds itself in the unique position to minister to the body of Christ and be a channel of blessings through the ministry of literature.
The Blessing the Blessing Program, in partnership with generous donors and ministry partners, aims to minister to beginning and struggling Pastors by providing biblical resources and conducting intensive ministry trainings.
As much as we want to provide resources and training to Pastors for free, we require them to participate through a registration fee to foster ownership and investment in ministry. In order to provide financial relief for the pastors, we look for sponsors and partners. This program will only be possible through the partnership of individuals and like-minded organizations that have the heart to bless pastors and ultimately, the body of Christ.
The Vision
OMF Literature aims to be a blessing to a community of Pastors who will continue to be blessings to the Church. We envision that this endeavor will produce Pastors and ministry workers who are more equipped and ready to do the work of the Lord. Through the resources and training that the program will provide for the Pastors, we look forward to creating a culture of learning and reading in our local churches in the Philippines.
The Roadmap
To jumpstart the program, we were able to raise P300,000 for the pilot program launched last February 2023. We were able to train and minister to 30 pastors from 30 Churches in Metro Manila that have little to no access to adequate ministry support.
Last September 2023, we brought the program to Vigan City, Ilocos Sur in partnership with PRAISE Ilocos Sur, Inc. Despite the onslaught of two consecutive typhoons, we were able to bless 20 Pastors who received training on Expository Preaching and Counseling. As part of the program, all of the 20 Pastors also received OMF Lit books and ESV Bibles from Crossway and The Expositor’s Academy.
Responding to the demand from churches in Metro Manila, we held another batch of training in Mandaluyong City at the OMF Lit HO last December 2023. For the second run in the city, we were able to train 50 Pastors and ministry workers in the aspect of Discipleship in the Local Church. The participants also received their mini library set of books and Bibles as part of the program.
Last January 11-13, the Blessing the Blessing team went up to La Trinidad, Benguet where we were able to train and bless 50 Pastors. More than 1400 books and Bibles were distributed to the Pastors who were able to finish a 3-day training on Expository Preaching.
As of January 2024, we were able to minister to 150+ Pastors. For the rest of 2024, we hope to bless 300+ Pastors in the Central Luzon, Central Visayas, and Davao Regions. As the Lord wills, in 2025, we plan to bring the program to the Bicol Region, Negros Islands, and Northern Mindanao.
Here are our schedules as of February 29, 2024. You may click the links to register:
CEBU: Expository Preaching Conference @ Living Word Christian Church of Cebu, April 11-12, 2024
BULACAN: Expository Preaching Workshop @ Family Harvest Church, May 23-25, 2024
DAVAO: Expository Preaching Conference, June 2024 (tentative venue and date)
OUR VISION: by 2025, 1000+ pastors from all over the country will have benefited from the program, receiving ministry training and highly essential ministry books and Bibles.
Opportunity for Ministry Partnership
This movement will not be possible without the partnership of generous donors and ministry partners.
We invite you to partner with us through financial support and resource mobilization.
For this program, each Pastor will receive more than P30,000+ worth of ministry resources and ministry training and workshops (in partnership with iDisciple Philippines).
The ministry resources and training are valued at P30,000+ but are worth infinitely more in the lives of our Pastors and the Church community.
Join Our Movement
Here are ways you can partner with us:
1. Donate as an Individual Partner
Donate any amount to the program and receive the following benefits:
Become an official Blessing the Blessing Program Supporter.
Receive exclusive offers and discounts at our online store.
2. Donate as a Corporate Partner
Donate P25,000 or more to the program and receive the following benefits:
Become an official Blessing the Blessing Program Corporate Partner.
Have your corporate branding featured in the Blessing the Blessing website.
Have your corporate branding featured in all of the collaterals to be used in the events and trainings, and be exposed to more than 1,000+ pastors and churches.
Receive tax deductions on your donation.
Receive a progress report at the end of the program so you can see how your sponsorship helped our Pastors.
3. Sponsor a Pastor
Donate P5,000 to sponsor 1 pastor for the program and receive the following benefits:
Become an official Blessing the Blessing Sponsor.
Receive the profiles of the Pastors.
Receive a personal letter from your sponsored Pastor and a thanksgiving card from OMF Literature.
Receive a progress report at the end of the program so you can see how your sponsorship helped our Pastors.
4. Explore Other Partnership Opportunities
You can also be part of the Blessing the Blessing Program through other means. We are open to exploring other ways of ministry partnership!
Sponsorship allows you to be a channel of blessings for beginning Pastors who do not have access to Biblical resources and trainings. Be part of a ministry movement that cares for the shepherds who are called to care for the sheep.
Our Pastors are a blessing to us. Partner with us and let's be a blessing to them.
“Nagpapasalamat ako sa Panginoon sa mga resources. Napakahalaga nito sa akin bilang Pastor, lalo na dahil limited ang mga resources dito sa lugar namin. Blessing po sa akin ang fellowship with other Pastors at yung mga training sa amin ng Blessing the Blessing program.”
“Napakalaking tulong sa akin ng mga ginawang workshops. Lahat nang mga books na naibigay ay malaking tulong sa tulad kong nagbabahagi ng salita ng Diyos. Ako po ay personal na nagpapasalamat sa mga ginamit ng Panginoon para mabiyayaan ako ng mga blessings na ito. To God be the Glory.”
“Shalom! We are grateful to OMF Lit for bringing to us very useful and timely [resources] where we learned and grew and will keep growing in faith by the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ. Thank you for blessing the Ilocos Sur pastors.”
Media Partner
For inquiries, connect with Mil Matienzo at or at 0917 140 2588.
OMF Literature, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit Christian organization. It is tax-exempt under Section 30 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997. OMF Literature received PCNC certification valid until 2024, which effectively makes all donations to OMF Literature tax deductible. The organization also received a BIR Certificate of Recognition for Donee-Institution Status valid until March 2025. Your donations will be used to sustain the ministry efforts of OMF Literature.
1. We believe in God, eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2. We believe the Bible to be fully and uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it is the only authoritative and infallible Word of God.
3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, inerrant teaching, substitutionary death and atonement, bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father.
4. We believe in God’s original design in the creation of man as male and female distinct from each other. Furthermore, we believe that God instituted marriage to be the exclusive union between one man and one woman. Rejection of God’s design, both in creation and in marriage constitutes sin and is offensive to God.
5. We believe that man, created in the image of God, was tempted by Satan and fell, and because of his consequent depraved state, requires regeneration by the Holy Spirit of salvation.
6. We believe that salvation consists in the forgiveness of sins, the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, and the gift of eternal life received by faith alone, apart from works.
7. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is sanctified and empowered to live a godly life.
8. We believe that the true Church, the Body of Christ, is composed of all those who have been regenerated, and affirm that the Church is the appointed instrument for the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission.
9. We believe in the imminent, visible, personal return of Jesus Christ in power and glory.
10. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the eternal life of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
We believe that God is a self-giving, generous God both in Creation and in Salvation. Through the pages of Scriptures, God revealed Himself as the liberating and sustaining God in the Old Testament and the salvific and healing God in the person of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. With the nature and person of God, we align our identities—who we are and what we do. We are to be like God in all aspects, including reflecting God’s generosity to all, particularly His Church. “This means that generous giving, whatever form that may take, is not a project or a special activity, rather it is the unfolding of the life of God in us… Giving, generosity, and servanthood are first and foremost not practical activities and certainly not utilitarian, they are ontological. That means these responses are intrinsic to who we are as part of the new creation in Christ. This means that generosity is not an ‘extra’ in the life of the Christian. Instead, it is basic and intrinsic.” (Charles Ringma, A Theology and Practice of Fundraising)
As OMF Literature recognizes God as the generous giver of grace, we also recognize that God can use both the Christian community and others to serve His purposes in all His sovereignty. Thus, OMF Literature aims to gain the support of the Christian community and the general public for the fundraising program designed to sustain company operations and minister to the body of Christ.
The beneficiaries and participants come from the OMF Lit community of Pastors and OMF Lit church network partners. This includes Pastors from different ministry partners (PCEC, iDisciple, and other partner Church associations).
These pastor-beneficiaries are those who are just beginning in ministry and/or do not have adequate access to ministry training and biblical resources. The support for the beneficiaries will range from 50% subsidy to 100% full sponsorship depending on the availability of funds and mobilization of the church community.
1. Does OMF Literature issue a donation certificate?
Yes. We have a BIR certificate that recognizes OMF Literature as an Accredited Donee Institution.
Please get in touch with Mil Matienzo at if you need one for your donation.
2. Will the donations be taxed?
It depends on the amount.
a) Donor's Tax. The exempt donation is up to P250,000/year. Only the excess will be taxed at 6% Donor's tax. (Republic Act (RA) No. 10963/TRAIN)
b) Deduction to Income tax. Without a certificate, the allowable deduction for charitable contributions are only up to 5% of Taxable Income.